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On the Day
Please note these arrangements are from 2024 and may be subject to change in the weeks leading up to the race.
61st 10 Mile Start List - sorted by Surname A-Z
61st 10 Mile Start List - sorted by Club Name A-Z
Round the Loch Start List - sorted by Race Number
*Lists will be published after the closing date, click on underlined text to open document
Race Numbers
All race numbers will arrive in the post during the weeks leading up to the event. Please ensure your home address is accurate at the time when you enter. It is this address that the race number will be posted to.
Event Area
The Event Area is immediately to the west of the Water Sports Centre and directly opposite the Start Line and the footbridge across the River Clyde.
This area will include the Event Desk within the Event Building for any queries (marked red in above plan), space for club tents and portaloos.
10am for both 10 Mile & Round the Loch
The Start Line is beside the main footbridge which spans the River Clyde to connect Hamilton Palace Grounds with Strathclyde Park. The start line will be clearly marked and will have Law & District flags on either side.
For your own safety please avoid congregating on the main road itself until just prior to the race. The officials will give a 5 minute warning within the event area.
We kindly ask that all athletes remember that the Park will be open and shared with the general public. Please be courteous to all other Park users.
All 10 Mile runners should be aware that there will be dedicated sections of road which will be traffic coned off from road vehicles. These traffic cones shall be between Miles 3.25 and 4.75 and again between Miles 6 and 6.5. All athletes are asked to follow the instructions of course marshals between these sections and remain within these traffic cones for your own safety.
Changing Facilities & Toilets
Portaloos will be available within the event area. There are also some toilets in the Water Sports Centre. Unfortunately no changing rooms are available, so we ask that all athletes come prepared to run.
Presentation will begin at approximately 12:00-12:15pm
To view a full list of prizes, click here
Please be aware that this year only the trophy and medal winners will receive their prizes on the day.
All monetary prizes will be paid via bank transfer this year. We will be in contact with all monetary prize winners after the event to arrange for payments.
There are three car parks to the North West of the Watersports Centre which will be available. There is also other car parking elsewhere in the Park.
Each race number has a timing strip on the back - Please don't remove the timing strip, no result
In 2025, each athlete will receive a special 61st Tom Scott Memorial Road Races medal to commemorate the occasion, at the finish line.
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